Friday, December 20, 2013

Question and Answer

Mardy bum by Artic monkeys :)

Erin brokovich.very inspired movie.or the great gatsby by author F. Scott Fitzgerald

My grandma used to say mosquito cant fly till 4th floor.i still belief her till im 20's!

10 hours at least

At School and national service.but now dh lost contact sebab busy dgn life masing2. describe my self as worst chef.but love to learn and enjoy doing it

Love to.but I'll make sure they not a backstabber..if i found that,automatically kick them away from my life

Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers,the ones who see things differently,.they're not fond of rules...You can quote them, disagree with them,glorify or vilify them,but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things...they push the human race forward,and while some may see them as the crazy ones,we see genius,because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world,are the ones who do.-Jack Kerouac

Cinderella (starring by drew barrymore) because after all drew become queen and they live happy ever after.. :)

My glasses / contact lens. either one.

Not anxiety but discomfort.i hate techno music.what we call that? 'fentau'?

Honesty,soft spoken and well appearance

corn porridge.hehe

Since I met cely,everything is great .there's plenty to say .:)

mak give me money but instead of save it, i finished all to buy unnecessary stuff and when my friends asked me to hang out I dont even have a single penny.serve me right!

women want men.not a boy.

Ctrl Alt Del my fat

This Hipster thing. think they seems over doing it.

When i heard he/she bitching about me .im very sensitive when I said I trust u,I mean it.let see who's gonna mess with me

Me going vacay in Hawaii!HAHA :D but money is the problem. :P

All zee avi and yuna Songs

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